Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Here Comes the Bride!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Let's Wrap Things Up!
Horseshoe, flowers and boot are made from gumpaste. Horses are cut from fondant. The cake flavours were similar to their wedding cake - chocolate cake with chocolate pudding, Italian Meringue buttercream and fondant. Happy Birthday Lisa!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
We Have a Winner!
Friday, December 11, 2009
And It Keeps Going, and Going and Going...
We designed this surprise birthday cake for a guy who loves hunting with his favorite dog and pack horses.
Lynette from Unforgettable Memories ordered these adorable mini-cupcakes for their Christmas party. Cupcakes were topped with white chocolate snowflakes. Yummy!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
That's Alot of Belts!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Recent Cakes
This last cake was created for a very special person, my daughter Elizabeth. She celebrated her 6th birthday this weekend. She chose a picture of a cake she wanted from a cake magazine and I added a purple brooch, purple ribbon and flowers. I even topped the cake with a purple chocolate crown. The cake was tuxedo flavour with chocolate truffle filling, and Italian Meringue buttercream. Happy Birthday Missie!
No Excuses!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
We Got PICKED!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Christmas Baking Ready to Order

Our Christmas Baking Packages are now available for booking!
Each package contains:
Butter Tarts, Christmas Sugar Cookies, Gingerbread Men, Almond Shortbread, Jeweled Cookie Slices, Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods, Thimble Cookies, Chocolate Truffles, Gift Wrapped Brownies, Chocolate Dipped Crescent Logs, Snowflake Chocolate Sugar Cookies, and Almond Cranberry Bark
Select a package that is right for you:
1) Just a Nibble $25.00 - 24 random assortment of treats
2) Family's Coming $75.00 - receive a half-dozen of each treat
3) Tis' the Season to Celebrate $150.00 - one dozen each of all 12 goodies
Packages are available for pickup: Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12 and Dec 19
Please call or email us to book your holiday baking today.
Facebook Contest!
The contest requires YOUR help. What you need to do is invite your friends to join our Facebook group by November 30, 2009. I will draw (1) lucky member's name from the group and they will WIN a dozen FREE cupcakes of their choice.
Now, who doesn't LOVE free cupcakes!!! Let the contest BEGIN!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"Quack, Quack", says Baby Ducky
Whimsical Princess
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cupcakes and More
This past week was full of cupcakes (200 and counting) with the usual wedding cake orders to boot. I was busy baking 240 chocolate and vanilla cupcakes topped with our newest frosting, Orange Cream Cheese. Yummy! This frosting has been so popular this year that over 1/3 of my brides have requested it as filling for their wedding cakes. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture since the bride picked up all the cupcakes the day before her wedding.
To make it short and sweet, here are the recent round of wedding cakes:
A small and simple wedding cake for a bride getting married at home. Sweet and simple...
Another Camoflauge wedding cake created at Just Like Gram's this summer. This was for a created for a couple from Tumbler Ridge, BC who enjoyed the outdoors, hunting and fishing and all that fun stuff! Congratulations, Stephanie and Roger!Monday, September 7, 2009
Caramel Apples Anyone?
"Is that for People or for Us?"
Well, seeing how school is fast approaching. OMG, is it tomorrow already? I had thought I had better whip up some goodies for school lunches. So, I actually spent some of the day baking for my family. I made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and used up some bananas and made some banana bread.
What - NO CAKE? Yep, my family doesn't really like cake anymore. After trying out so many recipes on my family, they are sick of cake. So if I have to try something new, I usually wait until we have company over and I make a new cake flavour and then send the rest home with them.
So, there my guilt trip is over and I actually did some baking for "us". I got my daughter into helping me and she stirred, poured and mixed - my son though preferred to be taster, trying to steal cookie dough. We had a fun and relaxing afternoon.
Now, back to "baking for people". Hapy Labour Day!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Free Cookie Giveway Winner!
The Quiet Before the Storm
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Recent Cakes
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Black & White Camoflauge
Retro Blue
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Western Wedding
Jet Bound
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Cupcake Giveaway Winner
Stay tuned for our next giveway! Details will be posted soon.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Animal Cupcakes
Shades of Purple
Friday, June 26, 2009
Just Like Gram's Makes the List
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Our First Official Newsletter
Subscribe to Just Like Gram's newsletter and enter to win a dozen delicious homemade cupcakes (your choice of Chocolate or Old Fashioned Vanilla) valued at $27.00. All you have to do to enter the draw is to subscribe to our newsletter. Just email us at justlikegrams@xplornet.com and let us know that you would like to subscribe. Your name will be then entered into our draw. Cupcake offer is open to residents of Fort St. John BC only. Winner will be drawn June 30, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
"A Shopping We Will Go"
With so few supplies in Fort St. John, I have to order most of my supplies from either Edmonton, Vancouver, Ontario and even sometimes overseas. I try not to order too much from the US since duties can be quite costly. Plus, you can find such a better selection in the big cities. So my vehicle was packed to top with cake boards, drums, colors, chocolate moulds, chocolates, a new turntable, a few new cake pans, plus a trip to Costco to stock up on baking supplies. My most treasured purchase was 3 silver plated scroll work cake stands. I have been wanting some for so long, but couldn't find any locally. I did the happy dance when I saw them and had to buy them on the spot.
Now, not only did I buy cake supplies, but I also did the usual spring shopping for my family, like shorts, t shirts, sandals and stuff. I even managed to snag myself some cool new jeans, capris, a brand new purse and some really cool new Cake books.
So now my cupboards (and closets) are bulging and ready for the upcoming wedding season!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Trade Show Weekend
We had lots of visitors who stopped by and visited our booth. Around 15,000 people attended the fair that weekend. I made over 1100 cupcakes for sampling and over 75% of them were gone by the end of the weekend. It was also neat to meet so many vendors from the community and also those who attended from Alberta and to do some networking. I even got the chance to do some Father's Day shopping. Sorry, can't say, since my hubby likes to "surf" and do some sneaking.
I want to say THANK YOU to all those who came by and visited our booth and had a chance to have a cupcake. I really enjoyed meeting and talking with you and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Scissors Cake
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Black Wedding Cake
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Easter Special!

Monday, March 9, 2009
Recent Cakes
I was approached by one of my regular clients, Diane who asked me to design her son's birthday cake. He loved bowling and requested an orange creamsicle flavored cake. Little did Diane know, but I was also asked to design her birthday cake at the same time by a close friend. Diane loves to shop at IKEA (who doesn't???), so I came up with an IKEA shopping bag cake for her. Happy Birthday Diane!!!